
Global fullservice Marketing & PR-bureau

Klant Publicaties

MolGen appoints Hayden Jeffreys as Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing

MolGen appoints Hayden Jeffreys as Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Veenendaal, the Netherlands - September 13th, 2023 MolGen, a global solutions provider of innovative DNA/RNA extraction and lab automation, has appointed Hayden Jeffreys as Global Vice ...
Hard Rock Cafe® lanceert nieuwe chicken sandwich met voetballegende Lionel Messi

Hard Rock Cafe® lanceert nieuwe chicken sandwich met voetballegende Lionel Messi

Op woensdag 19 juli onthulde Hard Rock Cafe® Amsterdam de nieuwe Messi Chicken Sandwich onder het toeziend oog van verschillende influencers en pers. In het restaurant mochten genodigden na de ...
Prologis Media Update: Second Quarter 2023 Activity Prologis Europe

Prologis Media Update: Second Quarter 2023 Activity Prologis Europe

Prologis Europe is pleased to share this recap of its second quarter 2023 activity. This summary includes operating performance highlights and insights into select milestones and ...
AgriPlex Genomics and MolGen Open a joint Lab in Europe

AgriPlex Genomics and MolGen Open a joint Lab in Europe

Cleveland, Ohio, USA and Veenendaal, the Netherlands (June 26, 2023) - AgriPlex Genomics, a leading genotyping services provider, and MolGen, a global solutions provider of innovative DNA/RNA ...
Prologis Media Update: 2022-2023 ESG Report

Prologis Media Update: 2022-2023 ESG Report

We’re pleased to announce that the latest annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report has just been released, outlining our growth and performance with sustainable logistics, our ...
Hard Rock Cafe® Amsterdam kondigt nieuwe campagne “LOVE OUT LOUD” aan

Hard Rock Cafe® Amsterdam kondigt nieuwe campagne “LOVE OUT LOUD” aan

Hard Rock Cafe® Amsterdam sluit zich aan bij de wereldwijde steun voor Pride met speciale merchandise die ten goede komen aan Human Rights Campaign en Outright International gedurende de maand ...
MolGen acquires Synchron Lab Automation

MolGen acquires Synchron Lab Automation

MolGen announced last Wednesday that it has acquired Dutch automation company Synchron Instrumenten BV, also known as Synchron Lab Automation. With this acquisition MolGen will expand its ...
Nederlandse ruimtevaartsector versterkt positie in Verenigde Staten

Nederlandse ruimtevaartsector versterkt positie in Verenigde Staten

Van 17 tot en met 20 april zullen Nederlandse ruimtevaartbedrijven, instituten en defensie aanwezig zijn op het 38e Space Symposium in Colorado Springs in de Verenigde Staten. Onder de ...
NCCW bestaat 50 jaar!

NCCW bestaat 50 jaar!

NCCW bestaat 50 jaar! Een mijlpaal die alleen mogelijk is door de nauwe samenwerking die we al die tijd hebben gehad met jullie, onze klanten. Er is veel veranderd in de wereld van ...
Mercer today announces the launch of its programme Growing forests – Growing a future to support forest owners in Germany

Mercer today announces the launch of its programme Growing forests – Growing a future to support forest owners in Germany

Rosenthal, March 23, 2023 – Mercer today announces the launch of its programme Growing forests – Growing a future to support forest owners in Germany. Mercer Holz, the wood purchasing ...

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