Visit Estonia
How we made sure travel professionals know all about astonishing Estonia
A medieval city with a modern new life, magical nature with bogs, forests and an endless coastline – Estonia has plenty to offer as a travel destination. But right now, our job isn’t to sell it to you but to travel professionals. We work closely with the lovely team behind Visit Estonia for a B2B travel marketing and recently launched a campaign to introduce Visit Estonia to the Dutch travel trade.
Finding what makes Estonia
Before we start any communication, no matter what the project, we need to know all the ins and outs of what we’re promoting. For Estonia that meant doing our research, diving straight into all the available brochures, videos, articles and online workshops. Where to go, when to go, fun facts, best hotels and accommodation, currency – it’s safe to say we know every little detail about Estonia. We created positioning and built content for the e-learning based on research and our knowledge of what professionals in the tourism industry want and need know.
The B2B travel marketing campaign
For the launch of Estonia and the Visit Estonia team to the trade market, we created an E-learning on the TravEcademy platform and an inspirational, dedicated Estonia page on the Ecademy network. The content for this page is created by us and includes images, video and contact details for the team to inspire the 5.600 active returning visitors with astonishing Estonia.
We didn’t stop at making the e-learning though, we created a marketing mix to grab attention on multiple occasions and locations, both online and offline. This included:
- A giveaway campaign for the travel agents that partake in the e-learning and banners onTravMedia that highlight the prize.
- An interview with Kristiina (Project Manager of Trade Marketing VisitEstonia) which was published in the hard copy of TravMagazine.
- A press release to trade media.
- Advertisements in the digital TravelPro Magazine.
- Banners in the Visit Estonia look & feel and with a personal touch with quotes from Kristiina to give the campaign a face.
- Social Media posts with graphics and copy to go on the TravMedia channels.