Client publications

April 26, 2023

MolGen acquires Synchron Lab Automation

Bright8 MolGen

MolGen announced last Wednesday that it has acquired Dutch automation company Synchron Instrumenten BV, also known as Synchron Lab Automation. With this acquisition MolGen will expand its existing portfolio and its ability to build high-end automation solutions for DNA/RNA purification, library preparation and NGS setup to support MolGen’s reagent business. The custom liquid handling platforms and rapid prototyping capabilities of Synchron will be used to further expand MolGen’s automation portfolio.

“This acquisition will enable MolGen to more efficiently build automation solutions, to enable our customers globally; to meet the challenges in terms of the increasing demand of sample throughput and cost efficiency”, says Niels Kruize, CEO of MolGen.

MolGen and Synchron have already co-developed several automated solutions in recent years, ranging from systems for sample transfer from capped sample tubes to microtitre plates, to a platform for ultra high throughput DNA/RNA purification, called the DNA Factory. This system provides serial automation that enables laboratories to scale up DNA/RNA purification, PCR setup and library preparation for NGS applications.

“Synchron will be enabled to grow and reach more customers globally, via MolGens commercial, application and service team. Combining our hard- and software solutions with MolGen’s reagents will enable us to offer novel solutions and entire workflows that are in strong demand in high throughput genomics labs”, says Derk Wilten, Managing Director of Synchron.

About Synchron
Since 1985, Synchron has provided automated solutions in various types of labs, ranging from the oil industry to agro, chemical, clinical, and water/food applications. Synchron will continue to develop & support the existing systems and build new systems for its customers. Synchron will also expand sales of its germination, seed health testing and seed picking systems for plant breeding companies. Derk Wilten will continue as Managing Director of Synchron and all other contacts at Synchron remain unchanged.

Learn more about Synchron at

About MolGen
MolGen is a global solutions provider of DNA/RNA extraction technology, automation hardware, reagents, consumables and software for molecular diagnostics as well as the agriculture and biotech industries. MolGen’s systems, reagents and consumables enable laboratories to streamline their laboratory workflows whilst enabling them to be more competitive. MolGen’s products range from stand-alone solutions to automated total workflows to reduce hands-on time and increase reproducibility.

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